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Looking Glass Arts welcomes, appreciates and needs your monetary support. A tax-deductible contribution to the registered 501(c)(3) can be made here:
Checks should be made out to Looking Glass Arts, Inc.
and mailed to our business adress at:
P.O. Box 259
West Fulton, NY 12194
Your donation will be used to support one of our major efforts, detailed below:
Our longterm goal is to work with an architect to modernize the structure of the barn while preserving the integrity of this magical space. In the meantime, your contribution will go towards the ongoing upkeep of the land, including:
-Brush hogging the field seasonally
-Creek bank maintenance
-Construction of studio space on existing foundation
-Installing bird-proof netting to deter pigeons
In order to offer cost-free retreats and residencies to Artists, Looking Glass Arts seeks monetary donations to cover the following expenses:
-Lodging and Meals
-Artist Honorarium
-Recording Engineer Fee (when applicable)
Looking Glass Arts is a young organization. Your donation supports our commitment to pay equity and transparency.
LGA is seeking the following items to support transportation needs and infrastructure improvements.
Please get in touch if you are interested in donating:
-A car, van, or truck
-Gator ATV
-Lumber/building material
-Riding lawnmower
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